Theory Dreams

the theory of a daydream,
I hold dear with my cigarettes,
the theory that held me down.
like the forgotten king said,
as I watch a cloud of smoke rise into nothing,
I realized what it’s all worth,
it’s all worth just about nothing.
here and gone or perhaps
there and back again,
what does it matter?
Just take the moment and begin to pretend
that we can buy our virtue at the door
but never forget,
the piper won’t refund the price
and the time,
oh it will forever be changing
while we can’t get our change from time.
there is always tomorrow I heard someone once say
until one day the theory never fades,
though another day it might
forever doesn’t exist
so hold those cigarettes tight



Paid in Change

and in the next life,
you will find the ones who
can still recognize you
through the mask of a new face
you will recognize them too.
You want to answer the question?
What’s soul?
The karmic debt we pay,
is only a fraction of the price
and lately I’ve been paying in change

